With a plethora of levers to pull and six rooms of puzzles to solve, players in the role of the Peasant in We Were Here Too may find use in some tips.
We Were Here Too, much like its predecessor, features a pair of players teaming up via puzzle solving and communication to escape an abandoned castle. Unlike We Were Were Here though, this game gives each player a clearer role: one player is to take on the role of the Lord while the other is to play from the perspective of their Peasant.
As far as co-op puzzle games go, We Were Here Too does a great job of expanding on the tense mystery aspect of the first game while also offering more complex puzzles that require more involved teamwork. Communication between the Lord and Peasant is a player's greatest strength.
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While the responsibility of observation and communication mostly falls on the Lord in We Were Here Too, it is up to the Peasant to solve the majority of the puzzles and ask the appropriate questions to ensure both players make it out of the castle.
Upon entering the first room in We Were Here Too, the Peasant will find an altar with three changeable symbols. The Lord will explain which symbols are needed to unlock their lever door. Then, they will describe another three located above three coffins in their room that will allow both players to move to the next room.
In the next room, the Peasant will come across a circle with symbols and candles arranged around it. It is up to the Peasant to first light the candles in the order the Lord describes to them. When that is completed successfully, the red and blue banners in the room with illuminate. The Lord will have to describe the symbols on the banner in their room so that the Peasant can combine the elements of symbols on their banners to match. Then, the player should return to the circle and activate the symbols in the order the Lord tells them. This will open the door to the staircase, but players should ensure they flip the lever on the left before exiting. There is one more obstacle before the next room: a closed gate. To open it, the Peasant should describe the symbols on the cross on the wall to the Lord who will open the gate using wooden cubes.
At the entrance to the third room, switch the lever to the left. In this room, the Peasant will need to put weapons and shields in the hands of the knights based on the information obtained from the Lord. At the same time, the player will need to occasionally steer the wheel in the middle of the room to keep their Lord alive.
There will be a lever behind a door on the left side of the next room in need of flipping. The next puzzle will involve the stained glass pictures. The Peasant should rearrange the detachable parts in accordance with what their Lord communicates to them. With that done, move to the giant chess board in the room and instruct the Lord on where to move the chess piece so that it kills the two knights. In the second round, use two chess pieces to enter the two towers. This will allow the Peasant to enter the maze while the Lord watches on from above. Before standing on the centerpiece though, cross the room and ascend the stairs. The last lever can be found behind the door on the left. With that out of the way, the Lord will guide the Peasant safely through the maze.
It is time for Lord and Peasant to reunite, but there is one last gate in the way. The Peasant should relay the symbols on the wheels for the Lord to match.
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Reunited at last, it's time to leave the castle of We Were Here Too via an elevator. But there are three remaining levers to pull first. One is in the room to the left of the entry to the elevator chamber. Another is on the top floor, near the exit. The last is at the bottom of the elevator shaft and will require one of the players to drop onto the roof of the elevator to see it as it descends. With every lever pulled, the Lord and the Peasant can ride the elevator all the way to the top and finally be free of their escape room-like quest. However, if the Peasant does not pull all the levers, one player will have to stay at the bottom of the elevator shaft, forced to steer the wheel while the other escapes - a melancholy homage to the first game.
The success of We Were Here Too proved that the hype stirred by the first game in the series was more than just a fluke. Fans of co-op, puzzle games, tense atmospheres, escape rooms, and achievement hunting alike all found themselves with something to enjoy. And Total Mayhem Games just keeps giving.
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We Were Here Too is available on Steam and Playstation 4.
Destinie Comeau is a Gaming Guide Writer for ScreenRant as well as a Tier 1 Account Manager for Pinterest. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing from Weber State University in 2019 and currently lives in Ogden City, Utah.