Find every secret collectible and complete every Special Request
Almost every level of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge has secret collectibles to find. These collectibles and cameos are parts of side quests — called Special Requests — that earn you some extra points as you fight your way through the game.
This TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge guide will show you where to find every secret collectible in every episode of the game.
There are two secrets to find in Episode 1.
As you make your way through Channel 6, you’ll come to a room with Foot soldiers typing at a row of desks. After defeating them and heading to the next screen, you’ll see a door with someone banging on it. Attack the door to free (April’s boss) Burne who was tied up.
This will start the Burne’s Office Special Request.
A little later, you’ll pass the anchor desk for the station. On the other side, you’ll see Vernon tied up in a booth. Destroy the Foot Clan crate to find the first Classic Headline for Burne.
There are three secrets to find in Episode 2.
Fight through the level until you reach a store called TV Zone. You’ll find the second Classic Headline inside the trash to the right.
Continue past the car wash next to the TV Zone. On the other side, there’s another rattling door where you’ll meet Irma.
This starts the Irma’s Apartment Special Request.
A little later, watch for a mailbox (a blue postal collection box, if we’re being technical) next to a parking garage. Destroy it to find the first Secret Diary.
There are no secrets to find in Episode 3.
There are four secrets to find in Episode 4.
Fight through the level until you come to a pair of Foot Clan soldiers enjoying their day at the zoo with popsicles. Destroy the trash can to find the second Secret Diary.
Just past that, watch for two blue postal collection boxes. Destroy the second one to free Attila.
You won’t unlock the Punk Frogs’ special request until you find all four of them.
A couple of animal stampedes later, you’ll come to a monkey exhibit. Destroy the trash can right in front to find the first Disgusting Bug for Attila.
Not far after that, watch for a pamphlet stand in the corner at the end of the monkey exhibit. Destroy it to find the third Classic Headline.
This completes the Burne’s Office Special Request. Visit him after the level to get 50 points.
There are three secrets in Episode 5.
Near the beginning of the level, look for a couple pamphlet racks and a vending machine at the top of the screen. Destroy the second one (the one closest to the vending machine) to find the third Secret Diary.
Continue through the level until you head into the sewers and reach a round hatch — this is where you’ll face the first bigger robots. Attack the red valve wheel to open it and find Genghis.
On the next screen, watch for a crate with a Foot Clan symbol on it. Destroy it to find the second Disgusting Bug for Attila.
There are five secrets to find in Episode 6.
Near the beginning of the level, you’ll break into the mall near a food court. Destroy the garbage can at the top of the screen — it’s to the left of the taco shop — to find the third Secret Diary.
Up the escalator, you’ll be in the clothing part of the mall. You’ll come to a couple of shops with a Punk Frogs cutout off to the right. Destroy the garbage can in the middle of the screen to find the first VHS Tape.
On the same screen, attack the Punk Frogs cutout to find Napoleon.
When you fight your way into the arcade, attack the popcorn machine against the front wall to find Vernon.
This starts Vernon’s Channel 6 Van Special Request.
On the other side of the arcade, attack the other popcorn machine to find the third Disgusting Bug.
There are three secrets to find in Episode 7.
At the start of the level, after dealing with the first set of spear-wielding Foot Clan soldiers, watch for a red toolbox on the roof. Destroy it to find the final Secret Diary for Irma.
Keep fighting your way through the level, past the elevator ride, until you face your first white-suited Foot Clan soldier. On the next screen, watch for another red toolbox near a big hole in the floor. Destroy it for the second VHS Tape.
Just before the boss fight at the end of the level, you’ll spot yet another red toolbox next to a larger red toolbox on wheels (this is the only large toolbox in the level, so it’s hard to miss). Destroy it to find the fourth Disgusting Bug.
There are no secrets to find in Episode 8.
There are two secrets in Episode 9.
A couple screens after the beginning of the level, attack the hot dog stand on the boardwalk to find Rasputin.
This (finally) starts the Punk Frogs’ NYC Retreat Special Request.
As you pass the carnival games a while later, watch for a closed metal shutter with the Foot Clan logo painted on it. Destroy the trash can in front of it to find the fifth Disgusting Bug.
There are two secrets to find in Episode 10.
Watch for an open truck in a loading dock next to a Foot Clan soldier in a car. Destroy the trash can next to the truck to collect the sixth Disgusting Bug.
A little later, you’ll fight a trio of large robots. On the next screen, watch for a Foot Clan logo painted on the ground. Head to the top left of the screen and destroy the Foot Clan crate there to find the third VHS Tape.
There are four secrets to find in Episode 11.
Fight through the level until you come to the first dinosaur stampede. On that screen, you’ll see a pamphlet stand to the right of a moose skull display. Destroy the stand to find the fourth VHS Tape.
After you defeat your first couple shielded Triceratons, you’ll head up for a screen or two until you reach a storage area. Destroy the Foot Clan crate here to find the seventh Disgusting Bug.
On the next screen, watch for another Foot Clan crate along the right side of the screen. Destroy it to find the first Crystal Shard.
A couple screens later, you’ll come to a museum display with tents. In front of the tents, look for a cardboard box next to yet another Foot Clan crate. Destroy the crate to find Dask.
There is only one secret to find in Episode 12.
Fight through the level until you come to the area with the towers that pop up and freeze you. There’s another Foot Clan crate here. Destroy it to find the final Disgusting Bug.
This will compete the Punk Frogs’ NYC Retreat Special Request.
There are three secrets to find in Episode 13.
Fight through the level until you reach a screen where two Stone Warriors drop down in front of a pair of those annoying pilotable spider bots. Destroy the Foot Clan crate on the right side of the screen to find this VHS Tape.
Two screens later, you’ll face your first mixed orange and gray Stone Warriors. In the upper righthand corner, there’s a closed dome over a pipe next to a disassembled drill. Destroy the cover to free Kala.
After the elevator ride and the first boss fight (this level has two), you’ll make your way into a ruined section of the Technodrome. Just past the gap you have to jump over, look for a Foot Clan crate on the left side of the screen. Smash it for the second Crystal Shard.
There is one secret to find in Episode 14.
Quite a way into the level, you’ll come to a small golden Shredder bust that will trigger an Indiana Jones-style boulder trap. On the next screen, destroy the plant on the little rock outcropping to free Zak.
There is one final secret collectible to find in Episode 15.
Fight your way through the level and past the first several sets of spike traps. You’ll come to a rocky step with several explosive barrels and two Foot Clan crates. Destroy the bottom one to find the final Crystal Shard.
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