CCTV catches thief ramming brave Brierley Hill business manager with getaway car - Birmingham Live

2022-05-14 20:52:24 By : Ms. wei Wei

Luckily Chloe Fowler was unhurt in the incident, which saw the thief make off with a £400 steel bar

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CCTV has captured the moment a sneak thief rammed his getaway car at a business manager as she tried to stop him fleeing. The car had pulled into AED Rollers in Moor Street, Brierley Hill, and the driver got out and dragged a £400 steel bar into his vehicle.

He quickly jumped back in his car when boss Chloe Fowler came running towards him. She had spotted the theft on CCTV from an upstairs office and bravely stood in front of the getaway car.

But the reckless driver put his foot on the accelerator, forcing the 28-year-old manger to jump out of the way. She luckily was unhurt in the terrifying incident at 12.30pm on Tuesday, May 10.

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Chloe, who is a daughter of the business owner, said: "In our offices on the second floor inside the building we've got CCTV cameras and we saw this person pull up. We get loads of people come into collect or visit us so we thought, who's this, as we weren't expecting anyone.

"He was wearing shorts which was strange as in the engineering industry they don't usually wear shorts. We saw him walk to two steel bundles and he just started picking one up and dragging it to his car.

"I thought 'oh my god he's stealing from us' I ran down and shouted 'quick, he's stealing' to the guys. He got straight into his car and left his boot open and my first instinct was get in front of the car.

"He just started driving, I froze, I didn't know what to do. It wasn't until I watched the footage after I saw how far back he'd moved me. It was so surreal.

"He didn't hurt me, I was ok physically. I was looking at him straight in the eyes and he was looking at me and driving. There were three of them in the car.

"My other colleague Neil Gennard ran out and managed to get the driver's door open at the same time."

A spokesman for West Midlands Police said: "We've received a report of steel bars being stolen from Moor Street, Brierley Hill, at around 12.30pm on Tuesday (10 May). Anyone with information can contact us via Live Chat on our website and quote 20/450499/22."