A while back, I posted this 1982 documentary about people in Gloucestershire, UK tumbling down a dangerously steep hill to try to catch a cheese wheel. The passion for cheese rolling is still going strong today, as seen in this 2022 Jubilee Cheese rolling contest.
In the video, the people look like they are violently tumbling to their death rather than rolling. It's hard to believe that people willingly partake in this, considering the risk of injury. Are any of you BB readers cheese rollers? If so, what is it like to throw yourself downhill towards a speeding cheese?
An Instagram video purportedly shows a man clinging to the side of a New York subway cab, while a fellow train-goer praises him for the efforts. The inside passenger designates the surfer as a "gangster" and attempts to give him a fist bump through the sliding door window. The reckless rider has no option other… READ THE REST
There's a lot of reasons to buy a new smoking piece. Maybe you dropped your old one and that cool glass octopus build doesn't work so well when it's in a million pieces. Perhaps you're making the switch from rolling your own to something a little less cumbersome. Or maybe you just want an upgrade. Whatever… READ THE REST
From ensuring you have enough money for gas this week to keeping up with today's politics, life is far from easy. And everyday things like making dinner, commuting to work, and even lighting candles should be the least of your worries. But when it comes to reaching down into the jar of your favorite candle, unable to… READ THE REST
Gaming is something that most people can appreciate. Whether you're into the classics, a casual gamer, or a die-hard who plays all the time, there are many different ways to enjoy the hobby. But we think it's safe to say, novice or professional, we're all interested in how games even come to be. If you're fascinated by gaming… READ THE REST
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