Hearing the government is pulling the funding for clients at Serene View Ranch to take on the complex cases that they asked them to do is very traumatic.
When they say "complex" cases, that is people who needs counselling on a regular basis, and can't be thrown around in the system, or can't take change on talking to different people all the time. There is a big "trust" issue.
This is what I had explained to me when I asked exactly what is meant by "complex".
Years ago the Catholic Family Services Bureau had a lot of these cases.
There has to be a place for someone to get regular counselling on a long-term basis and government can't do that on its own.
As it stands the government counselling services says that 10 sessions makes you better. Did the government ever think that some people don't qualify to go to certain places for counselling, you do have to qualify for some places.
This is just creating havoc and people's lives that need that stability and trust of one counsellor.
I would like to hear how the government expects to be able to make sure these people have the proper support they need in each individual basis; going one by one on each unique situation and how they are going to support them and treat them properly and not get lost in the system.
We do not want to see more suicides or or overdoses or anything bad to happen to anyone and if someone loses their support it's like they lost their best friend the person they can confide in — what do I do now?
I hope the government will reconsider what they are doing to people's lives.
I hope they know that they are responsible for what happens if they take away people's support system.
People lose their doctors, they lose their counsellors ... what is a person to do? They just go to anybody. Well, that just doesn't work for everybody.
Public deserves answers on LTC
I have a question for the Humane Society. If I were to take my beloved dog to an expensive kennel for care while I had to be away, and upon my return found my dog to be dehydrated, dirty, infested with infection, and near death, would charges be laid and the kennel lose its licence, and would I have to pay the entire bill, take my dog to the animal hospital, and finally bury it?
Then, I ask the same question to the owners of private long-term care homes. What happens if I leave my beloved mother in LTC with the same outcome?
The profit for LTC homes must be handsome when the monthly bill is the same whether the required number of staff is working to provide quality care or a staff shortage results in utter neglect of residents. Emergency care can be provided by the Red Cross, military, or volunteers if the situation is so dire. An inquiry is not the first step in emergencies of suffering and death, but when it is finally done, the public should learn what the salaries of CEOs and profits of owners were.
Negligence leading to suffering or death is an urgent and important matter. What have we become?
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