In Guilford and Beyond, Charlie’s Closet Can Help |

2022-05-14 20:45:23 By : Mr. Terry Man

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Charlie’s Closet Director Tony Sicignano displays just some of the medical devices available to area residents. (Photo by Ben Rayner)

“Most people just don’t know we’re here and what we have available,” said Tony Sicignano, director of Charlie’s Closet, where anyone can request free medical devices from wheel chairs to diapers, and even advice.

The organization wants residents to know about the services that they provide and how to take advantage of the organization’s assistance, according to Sicignano.

Charlie’s Closet began humbly back in the early nineties and has steadily grown, according to Sicignano. The organization just in the last year has provided more than 6,000 items, served more than 3,600 people, from more than 100 Connecticut towns, and even from out of state.

“Initially when this started, we got maybe one or two requests a week,” said Sicignano. “Now we get an average of 20 to 40 requests a day for equipment, because many people will get denied by their insurance company, Medicare will refuse to pay, or they just don’t have insurance and just don’t have the wherewithal to buy this type of equipment because it’s so expensive.”

Sicignano said the average price for a new wheel chair, is more than $3,500, and that is for an inexpensive one and scooters can run several thousand dollars as well, making their services a critical necessity for many of their clients. According to Sicignano, the most requested items are wheel chairs, transport chairs, commodes, and shower chairs.

“Those items we get a ton of requests for,” Sicignano said. “These are the most important items and our highest demand items today.”

The closet even ships items overseas to Africa, Haiti, Jamaica, and Nicaragua, just to name a few destinations. According to Sicignano, Charlie’s Closet works closely with area churches and other civic groups to send containers of medical supplies to anywhere on the globe they are needed.

According to Sicignano, the organization has a wide array of devices to assist those with medical needs that even with good insurance can remain very expensive. Perhaps the most important offering is the advice that Sicignano and his staff can provide.

“This would not happen without our volunteers. I can’t state that enough,” said Sicignano. “I just can’t speak highly enough of our volunteers. These people are unbelievable and dedicated to this. We simply could not do it without them.”

“Being able to satisfy someone’s need is very satisfying for us. Often when people come in, they just don’t know what to do; they are thrown into a situation at home. They will come in and say, ‘What do I do?’ So, we supply it all, washcloths to diapers to hospital beds, and we can suggest things as well,” said Sicignano. “Some of my volunteers are extremely experienced people, physical therapists, occupational therapists. I myself worked at St. Raphael’s, so we have some experience with the medical equipment people are dealing with and in many cases some the diseases and issues people are facing.”

Charlie’s Closet accepts monetary donations and donations of most medical items, but any item donations need to be functioning, and clean. Appointments also need to be made for both dropping off and picking up any items.

“We are always looking for monetary donations, but anyone who might have a wheel chair, transport chairs, and any bathroom seat or shower chair or commode, those things are really important. If people have those and can make an appointment and come in and drop it off, we are so happy to get it,” said Sicignano.

Charlie’s Closet operates under the umbrella of Guilford Interfaith Volunteers (GIV). GIV operates and provides services for Meals on Wheels, Friendly Visiting, Charlie’s Closet, and the Guilford Food Bank. According to GIV Director Christi Burton, Meals on Wheels delivers thousands of meals a year to area residents and it also needs volunteers and contributions. Additionally, the Friendly Visiting outreach program matches volunteer visitors with anyone desiring a caring visit, said Burton.

“Charlie’s Closet serves the whole state and beyond and it is a saving grace for people who just can’t afford medical equipment,” Burton said. “People are so grateful when they get help from the organization. This component of the organization is probably the busiest because not many other organizations supply this type of service.”

The Guilford Food Bank is jointly managed by the town and provides food to any Guilford resident in need. Volunteers are needed for all of the GIV programs, and residents are encouraged to get involved and make a difference.

To find out how to help Charlie’s Closet, or to seek assistance, callt 203-453-8359. Meals on Wheels, Friendly Visiting, and the Guilford Food bank can also be reached via the contact number or online at

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